““There are places made holy by the passage of men and women great in spirit and heart” ”
Our Mission is sacred connection
Meeting the World Soul-to-Soul: We believe that life unfolds through relationship and our work is to help people meet the world soul-to-soul. Through this soul-to-soul connection our clients experience the oneness beneath all life and know at a deep level that “there is no other.” When we "know" there is no other, it raises our consciousness and we treat each other with greater respect and kindness.
Presence is Primary: How we show up in the world matters – literally. We intentionally develop and embody a quality of presence that includes, awareness, courage, curiosity, compassion and deep layers of listening in all our relationships. This quality of presence creates a safe and nurturing environment for students, teachers, mentors and all who tend the discovery, expression and delivery of our individual and collective gifts.
Kindness is Our Currency: When we embed the needle of our compass in kindness, we touch each other in a way that transcends real and perceived differences. When our clients experience the resonance of this kindness they, too, begin to embody this currency and spread it into the world. In this way, our clients learn to navigate the world with peaceful equanimity no matter what storms are raging, internally or externally.
Pure Creative Fire: We believe that each of us is endowed with the spark of creation. This essential spark is our Pure Creative Fire and can be discovered, nourished and delivered into life for the highest good of all. Our work is to help people discover, nourish and deliver their essential essence, thereby giving birth to more peace, presence and passion in the world. We believe that all life benefits from the full unique expression of each person’s pure, creative fire.
Wayfinding Through Aligned Actions: We believe in aligning our actions with our hearts. In this way we integrate a holistic perspective in all that we do.